Saturday, September 21, 2024


22 Peshmerga personnel’s bodies, 70 injured others reach Sulaimaniya

 22 Peshmerga personnel’s bodies, 70 injured others reach Sulaimaniya

The artillery of Peshmerga forces. File photo.

The artillery of Peshmerga forces. File photo.
Sulaimaniya ( Bodies of 22 personnel of the Kurdish Peshmerga troops have been transferred to forensic medicine department in Sulaimaniya, as they were killed during confrontations in Kirkuk on Monday, Russia Today reported.

The official figure of victims and injured has not been announced yet. However, an NGO, operating in Kirkuk, said several personnel of Peshmerga and federal troops were killed in clashes that took place early on the day.

Meanwhile, a medical source told Alghad Press that at least 70 injured Peshmerga personnel arrived at hospitals in Sulaimaniya.

Earlier on the day, an informed military source said more than 49 personnel of Peshmerga were killed, injured and missed during the confrontations.

“The clashes left more than 11 Peshmerga personnel killed in Kirkuk,” the source said.

“More than 17 IS of Peshmerga personnel are missing,” the source said adding that at least 21 personnel were wounded.

Iraqi troops managed to gain control on wide regions in Kirkuk. Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi gave orders, early on the day, to security troops to protect all citizens in Kirkuk. The Kurdistan Region Security Council (KRSC) then announced that Iraqi troops advanced to seize the oilfields in the province.

Last week, the KRSC announced on Wednesday receiving threats that Iraqi joint troops are preparing for a major attack on Kurdistan from southwest Kirkuk and north of Mosul, which was dismissed by Peshmerga later.

The escalation between Erbil and the federal government in Baghdad occurred after Kurdistan carried out the independence referendum on September 25th, a step that was opposed by regional and international forces as well as Baghdad. Consequently, Baghdad imposed a ban on international flights to and from Kurdistan, after the region declined handing over the two airports of Erbil and Sulaimaniyah to the Iraqi government.