Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraqi forces to attack two Peshmerga-controlled regions near Mosul

 Iraqi forces to attack two Peshmerga-controlled regions near Mosul

Kurdish Peshmerga forces.

Kurdish Peshmerga forces.
Bashiqa ( An informed Kurdish military source has indicated intentions of the Iraqi troops as well as the Shia-led paramilitary troops to attack two regions near Mosul after midnight.

“Confirmed news received by Peshmerga from official authorities showed the intentions of both the Iraqi army and al-Hashd al-Shaabi [Popular Mobilization Forces] to attack Bashiqa and Khazer regions, who are under Peshmerga’s control,” the source told Alghad Press on Monday.

“PMFs leaders informed Peshmerga about intentions to advance toward Bashiqa and Khazer without waging war or fights against Peshmerga,: the source said. “Peshmerga responded saying that the regions will not be handed over, despite orders were made by the supreme command in Kurdistan.”

Bashiqa is located northeast of Mosul, while Khazer is on the road linking Mosul and Erbil.

Iraqi troops managed to gain control on wide regions in Kirkuk. Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi gave orders, early on the day, to security troops to protect all citizens in Kirkuk. The Kurdistan Region Security Council (KRSC) then announced that Iraqi troops advanced to seize the oilfields in the province.

Last week, the KRSC announced on Wednesday receiving threats that Iraqi joint troops are preparing for a major attack on Kurdistan from southwest Kirkuk and north of Mosul, which was dismissed by Peshmerga later.