Monday, September 23, 2024


Demonstration in Basra against election law veto

BASRA / Scores of citizens in Basra province staged on Friday a demonstration against the rejection of the election law. “The protest staged in front of the building of the Basra council came to show Basrians’ rejection to Vice President Tareq al-Hashemi’s veto against the election law,” Sabah Muhsen, one of the angry men told news, asserting that the demonstration was organized by a number of political blocs and civil society organizations in Basra. Al-Hashemi’s office on Thursday had expressed astonishment over the media commotion regarding his recent veto against the law on elections, adding that was not the first law objected by Hashemi. On Wednesday (Nov. 18), the Iraqi Sunni vice president vetoed the country’s general election law, ordering it back to the Parliament, which had taken almost three months to pass it. Hashemi objected to Article I of the law, which he said did not give a voice to Iraqis abroad, many of whom are Sunnis who fled the country during sectarian clashes after the US-led invasion in 2003. SH (S) 1