Friday, September 20, 2024


15 personnel of Peshmerga, PMFs killed, injured, northwest Mosul

 15 personnel of Peshmerga, PMFs killed, injured, northwest Mosul

Forces from al-Hashd al-Shaabi.

Forces from al-Hashd al-Shaabi.
Zummar ( Fifteen people of Kurdish and Shia-led troops were killed and injured during confrontations that occurred on Thursday in northwest Mosul, an informed source said.

“The confrontations that occurred today in Zummar left two personnel killed and six others wounded of Peshmerga’s fourth brigade. They were transferred to Duhuq hospitals,” the source told Alghad Press.

“Clashes also left four personnel of al-Hashd al-Shaabi [Popular Mobilization Forces], including leaders, killed and others wounded in al-Jazrawiya village.

In related news, a Peshmerga source said chief of Kurdistan Democratic Party’s Sinjar branch was killed in artillery shelling in Zummar.

“Wahid Bakuzi was killed as artillery shelling targeted Peshmerga locations in Zummar, the source told AlSumaria News.

“Two personnel of Bakuzi’s guards were killed in the shelling,” the source, who preferred anonymity, added.

Earlier on the day, the Kurdistan Region Security Council said Iraqi troops have launched an attack against Peshmerga troops deployed in Zummar.

KRG offered on Wednesday to impose a ceasefire and resort to dialogue to defuse the military and political standoff with Baghdad.

Iraqi forces reportedly tightened their control, on the same day, over the Rabia border crossing with Syria after the withdrawal of Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). Moreover, troops headed toward Ibrahim al-Khalil border crossing with Turkey seeking control on it.