Friday, September 20, 2024


United States welcomes resignation by Kurdistan’s “courageous” Barzani

 United States welcomes resignation by Kurdistan’s “courageous” Barzani

The US State Department logo.

The US State Department logo.

Baghdad ( The United States welcomed on Monday the decision by Iraqi Kurdistan President Masoud Barzani not to maintain his post beyond November 1st, labelling the Kurdish leader “courageous”.

The United States commends the decision of Masoud Barzani not to seek an additional term as President of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region and the vote of the Iraqi Kurdistan Parliament to distribute presidential authorities to other Kurdish Regional Government (KRG) institutions,” a statement by the U.S. State Department read. “President Barzani is a historic figure and courageous leader of his people, most recently in our common fight to destroy ISIS. This decision represents an act of statesmanship during a difficult period.

It also urged the government of Iraq and Kurdish political parties to work together to resolve pending issues under the Iraqi constitution. “We call on the Government of Iraq and the KRG under its new leadership to work urgently to resolve pending issues under the Iraqi constitution. We have been encouraged by the security dialogue that has taken place in recent days, and call for an end to all confrontations and clashes”.

Barzani said in a televised speech and in a letter to the parliament on Sunday that he was not going to extend his term beyond November 1st.

Iraqi federal forces took over several Kurdish-held areas in Kirkuk, Nineveh and Diyala provinces from Kurdish Peshmerga troops earlier this month in response to an independence referendum the semi-autonomous region held in September, in which 92 percent voted for independence from Iraq.