Saturday, September 21, 2024


7 nabbed in Salah al-Din raid

SALAH AL-DIN / Police forces on Monday arrested seven persons during a search raid in downtown al-Dalouiya district, according to a local security source. “Today, emergency police personnel from Salah al-Din province conducted a search raid in Khazrag area, downtown Dalouiya, during which seven persons were arrested for their suspected links to al-Qaeda network,” the source told news agency. A next of kin of one of those arrested, Ghaleb al-Khazraji, said that security forces had arrested “poor workers” from a brick factory, “who have no relationship whatsoever with armed groups.” Khazraji accused the police of ill-treatment, adding that they confiscated all mobile phones from the houses they raided. Dalouiya is administratively affiliated with Salah al-Din. It lies 90 km north of Baghdad, while Tikrit, the capital of the province, lies 175 km north of Baghdad. SS (P) 1