Friday, September 20, 2024


Kurdistan government says respects court ruling against independence

 Kurdistan government says respects court ruling against independence

Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani

Prime Minister of the Kurdistan Regional Government Nechirvan Barzani

Erbil ( Kurdistan Region’ Government said Tuesday it respects an Iraqi court ruling that challenged the constitutionality of the semi-autonomous region’s quest for independence from Iraq.

KRG said in a statement that “we respect the interpretation of the Federal Supreme Court of the First Article of the Iraqi Constitution”.

“We believe that this Decision must become a basis for starting an inclusive national dialogue between Erbil and Baghdad to resolve all disputes through implementation of all constitutional articles and in a way that guarantees all rights, authorities and status mentioned in the Constitution, since this is the only way to secure the unity of Iraq, as Article 1 stated,” read the statement.

Iraq’s top federal curt ruled on November 6th that there was no article in the constitution that provided for Kurdistan’s secession from Iraq.

KRG Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani said in a press conference Monday that his government was going to officially comment on the verdict.

Kurdistan Region Government ran a popular referendum in September where it said 92 voted for independence from Iraq. The government in Baghdad has rejected the vote as unconstitutional, and replied with retaking territories where sovereignty is disputed with Erbil, most importantly in Kirkuk. The crisis, which saw world countries voicing rejection of the plebiscite, culminated in a resignation by Kurdistan’s president, Masoud Barzani, late October.

Iraqi forces took over Kirkuk’s government facilities and oil refineries in October, mostly without resistance from Kurdish Peshmerga forces, but some incidents saw fatal clashes between both sides.