Monday, September 30, 2024


Death toll of Atarib massacre increase to 53, including women and children

 Death toll of Atarib massacre increase to 53, including women and children

Syrian dig through the debris of a building as they search for survivors following a reported airstrike on the rebel-held town if Atarib in Syria’s northern Aleppo Province on Monday. (AFP)

Syrian dig through the debris of a building as they search for survivors following a reported airstrike on the rebel-held town if Atarib in Syria’s northern Aleppo Province on Monday. (AFP)

Aleppo (Syria News) The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights reported, on Tuesday, that the death toll of the massacre that was committed on Atarib market, in the western countryside of Aleppo, rose to 53 persons, including women and children.

The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights (SOHR) documented that the casualties of the air strikes that were conducted on the popular market of al-Atarib, in the western countryside of Aleppo Province, have increased to 53 persons, including 6 women, 5 children and 3 police members.

The death toll increased after pulling several bodies out of the debris, and the death of other casualties of their wounds, SOHR added. The death toll is expected to increase due to the presence of severe injuries among casualties and the continuous search operations for more casualties under the debris.

It is noteworthy that more than 25 civilians were killed and 30 others were wounded, as preliminary outcome, in air strikes conducted by warplanes, which believed to be Russian, on the popular market, located in al-Atarib, in the western countryside of Aleppo.