Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Tight measures taken in Mosul after victim’s body found with Islamic State slogans

 Tight measures taken in Mosul after victim’s body found with Islamic State slogans

Islamic State militants

Islamic State militants
Mosul ( Iraqi security troops have tightened measures at some district in Mosul, western Nineveh, imposing curfew and carrying out campaigns to arrest suspects, Al-Quds Al-Arabi website reported on Wednesday.

The measures were mainly seen at Sumar and Doumeiz districts. Sumar is one of the regions in Mosul, which witnesses assassination of officers and conscripts.

According to eyewitnesses, the measures were taken after a victim’s body was found with Islamic State slogans threatening security personnel and promising return of the caliphate.

The report also quoted observers as saying that security personnel carry out campaigns at different regions in the city searching for suspects who are still hiding.

The report quoted a source as saying that militants seek launching attack in the south of Mosul.

“Significant tension in security situations are witnessed, after the militant group carried out attacks that targeted officials and security personnel,” Abdul Rahman al-Jumeily, a security personnel, said.

Troops, according to Jumeily, “carried out campaigns at south of the city to thwart any attacks.”

“Troops are on high alert since several suicide attacks targeted officials before the attackers fled toward unknown destination.

On Monday, four policemen were reportedly killed as Islamic State militants attacked a police patrol in al-Yaarabiya district, west of Mosul.

News reports said that an attack took place on Sunday at al-Islah al-Zera’i district, west of Mosul, when confrontations occurred between police and the militants, who ran away then.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi declared in July victory over IS militants who had held the second largest Iraqi city since 2014. More than 25,000 Islamic State militants were killed throughout the campaign.