Wednesday, September 25, 2024


German ambassador discusses detainees with Iraqi judiciary

 German ambassador discusses detainees with Iraqi judiciary

MP Vian Dakhil tweets the photo of a German Islamic State member arrested in Mosul.

MP Vian Dakhil tweets the photo of a German Islamic State member arrested in Mosul.

Baghdad ( German diplomats have discussed the situation of German Islamic State-linked individuals held by Iraqi security as a result of operations against the militant group.

In a statement quoted by Shafaq News on Wednesday, the Iraqi High Judicial Council said its chairman, Faeq Zeydan, discussed with Germany’s ambassador to Baghdad, Cyrill Nunn, the issue of the detainees and their kids.

“The two sides discussed the methodology of Iraq’s judiciary”, without giving further details.

In July, German newspaper Der Spiegel reported the detention of four German women by Iraqi authorities for their affiliation with the Islamic State; noting that the four were facing death sentences.

News reports had quoted German intelligence services estimating the number of Germans who had left the country over the past years to join IS in Iraq and Syria by 930, 20 percent of who were women.

Iraqi authorities reportedly hold 1400 foreigner wives and children of Islamic State fighters.

Iraq declared victory over Islamic State earlier this month, marking the end of the self-proclaimed “caliphate” declared by the group in 2014. The group had drafted thousands of foreign nationals from the Middle East, Europe, Asia and Russia.