Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq denies Islamic State staging parade in Mosul city

 Iraq denies Islamic State staging parade in Mosul city

Islamic State held a parade in Mosul city in 2014 before they are forced out of the city on July 10, 2017

Islamic State held a parade in Mosul city in 2014 before they are forced out of the city on July 10, 2017

Nineveh ( – The Defense Ministry’s War Media Cell denied on Sunday media reports about a parade held by Islamic State in Mosul city.

In a statement quoted by Dijlah TV, the War Media Cell said, “All news circulated on social networking websites and media outlets about an Islamic State parade at al-Jazira area west of Mosul city is fabricated and misleading.”

It also refuted claims about the emergence of Islamic State militants again at some western villages in Mosul and the kidnapping and murdering of some residents there.

“Iraqi troops have totally cleared the country from terrorist groups and are now in full control of all Iraqi territories and borders,” the statement read, adding that the country is now completely secure.

The War Media Cell also urged, in the statement, all media outlets to seek accuracy before publishing any news.

In July, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi announced liberation of the second largest Iraqi city of Mosul from IS militants, who had captured it in 2014.

More than 25000 militants were killed throughout the campaign, which started in October 2016.

Since the city was declared free, security troops continue to comb western Mosul areas for hidden IS cells. Despite the victory over IS there in the city, observers say IS is believed to constitute a security threat even after the group’s defeat at its main havens across Iraqi provinces.

A government campaign, backed by paramilitary troops and a U.S.-led international coalition, has been fighting the Islamic State group, which declared a self-styled “caliphate” from Mosul in June 2014.