Saturday, September 21, 2024


Four people wounded in tribal fight in central Basra

 Four people wounded in tribal fight in central Basra

Several people, including children, carry weapons in a tribal dispute in Iraq

Several people, including children, carry weapons in a tribal dispute in Iraq

Basra ( – Four people were wounded Sunday in a tribal fight in Basra governorate, a security source was quoted as saying.

“A tribal dispute erupted at al-Sha’biya area in central Basra governorate, leaving four people injured,” the source told Baghdad Today.

“One of the involved in the fight was arrested while ambulances carried the injured to a nearby hospital for treatment,” the source added.

Meanwhile, Basra Operations Command, Lt. Gen. Jamil al-Shimmari said, “An agreement was reached with the Iraqi army to send a military force to the governorate in order to put an end to tribal disputes there.”

“The military force will arrive soon in Basra coming from Baghdad,” Shimmari told Alforatnews.

Basra is relatively stable, but it witnesses tribal clashes and disputes since 2003, due to social conflicts.

Governmental and non-governmental organizations launched many initiatives over the past period to persuade rival tribesmen to sign petitions to stop their fighting, which claimed the lives of several people recently.

Basra chieftains were also urged to intervene to put an end to tribal disputes in the governorate through forcing tribesmen to hand over their weapons to the Iraqi army.

Tribal struggles in Iraq are weakening efforts to reconstruct the country following the defeat of Islamic State, which occupied large parts of the country since June 2014.