Saturday, September 21, 2024


Official: Iraq to offer 150 investment projects at Kuwait conference

 Official: Iraq to offer 150 investment projects at Kuwait conference

Kuwait’s Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Jarallah

Secretary General of the Iraqi Cabinet Mahdi al-Allaq

Baghdad ( – About 150 investment projects will be unveiled at the international conference to be hosted by Kuwait next month to help reconstruct Iraqi cities destroyed by the war against Islamic State, Secretary General of the Iraqi Cabinet Mahdi al-Allaq was quoted as saying Wednesday.

Speaking to the official Al-Sabah newspaper, Allaq said the two-day conference, due to start on February 12, will focus on means of reconstructing Iraqi cities devastated by the anti-Islamic State war, as well as increasing investment opportunities in the country and boosting peaceful co-existence.

“The National Investment Commission, in cooperation with the World Bank’s International Financial Corporation, prepared a full package of investment opportunities available in Iraq,” he said, adding that such opportunities will be put for discussion on the second day of the conference.

Allaq stressed that investment projects will represent the “backbone of this conference”.

“Several international companies will take part in the gathering to get acquainted with investment projects available in Iraq, a step that would help pump more investments into the Iraqi market in the coming period, in cooperation with the private and public sectors,” he added.

Last week, Kuwait’s Deputy Foreign Minister Khaled Al-Jarallah announced that the forthcoming conference on reconstruction of Iraq will witness broad international participation and a significant contribution.

Jarallah said the conference will be attended by several world countries, UN organizations, international financial institutions, and civil society organizations.