Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi official: Islamic State still pose a threat from Syrian border regions

 Iraqi official: Islamic State still pose a threat from Syrian border regions

A picture shows Islamic State military doing a military exercise

Anbar ( An Iraqi municipal official said Friday that Islamic State militants still pose a threat to Iraq by maintaining presence at Syrian regions on the border with Iraq.

Mohamed al-Dulaimi, a member of Anbar Province Council, was quoted saying in press statements that Hezein, Sousa and Barghoul border regions in Syria still “pose a security threat to western Anbar”.

He added that “Daesh (Islamic State ) criminals still control those regions and use them as launching points for suicide attackers sneaking towards the western regions (of Anbar)”.

“Military reinforcements have arrived to the borderline coinciding with air forces’ targeting of the group’s locations.

Iraq declared victory over Islamic State militants early December, announcing full control of its forces over the borders with Syria.

Iraqi troops took over Islamic State’s last bastion in Iraq, western Anbar’s town of Rawa, mid November.

The government says its troops still chase remnant militants at desert areas between Anbar and Nineveh.

Many observers believe the group still poses a threat even after its losing its territorial control. The group did carry out occasional attacks on civilians and security forces since the declaration of its defeat.

Islamic State lost its capital in Syria, the city of Raqqa, in October.