Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraqi troops thwart Islamic State plot to launch terrorist attacks in Baghdad

 Iraqi troops thwart Islamic State plot to launch terrorist attacks in Baghdad

Iraqi Special Forces

Iraqi Special Forces

Baghdad ( – Security forces foiled on Monday a plot by Islamic State militants to carry out terrorist attacks in the Iraqi capital Baghdad, a well-placed security official was quoted as saying.

Speaking to Baghdad Today news website, Spokesman for the Iraqi Interior Ministry Maj. Gen. Saad Maan said, “Federal police and intelligence personnel have arrested a terrorist who admitted receiving orders from Islamic State leaders to find a place in al-Taji area, north of Baghdad, to use it in carrying out criminal acts in Baghdad.”

“The arrest was made upon accurate intelligence reports,” Maan pointed out.

The Iraqi capital has seen almost daily bombings and armed attacks against security members, paramilitary troops and civilians since the Iraqi government launched a wide-scale campaign to retake Islamic State-occupied areas in 2016. Though most of the daily bombings go without a claim of responsibility, Islamic State has declared it had been behind many.

According to the monthly release by the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI), a total of 69 civilians, excluding police personnel, were killed, while 142 others were wounded in December due to acts of terrorism, violence and armed conflict across the country.

The worst affected province was Baghdad with 122 civilian casualties (24 killed, 98 injured). Salahuddin ranked the second place, with 7 killed and 25 injured, then Kirkuk came third with 15 killed and 6 injured.

The figures saw a significant decline from November’s which reached a total of 117 Iraqi civilians killed and another 264 injured.