Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi troops liberate three villages in Salahuddin from White Flags group

 Iraqi troops liberate three villages in Salahuddin from White Flags group

Iraqi troops carry their weapons to celebrate Iraq’s victory over terrorism

Iraqi troops carry their weapons to celebrate Iraq’s victory over terrorism

Salahuddin ( – Security forces liberated on Wednesday three villages in Tuz Khurmatu, Salahuddin, from the White Flags group and destroyed a booby-trapped vehicle that was planned to be used for targeting security forces, a paramilitary force announced on Wednesday.

In a statement, a copy of which was obtained by Alghad Press news website, al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces) said that its troops, along with a joint force from the Iraqi army, police and Salahuddin Operations Command “launched a military operation early on Wednesday to purge the eastern part of Tuz Khurmatu from the White Flags group.”

“The troops have so far liberated three villages east of Tuz Khurmatu in Salahuddin province from the White Flags group and destroyed a booby-trapped vehicle that was meant to target security forces,” the statement read.

It added that many tunnels and premises used by the group “have been put under control just one hour after the start of the operation, which was launched from five axes.”

“The operation mainly aims at eliminating outlaws, IS remnants and White Flags militants in Tuz Khurmatu, in addition to securing the road between Baghdad and Kirkuk,” the statement read.

The White Fags group, whose members always carry a white banner with a lion’s head in the middle, began appearing in Iraqi in late-2017, especially after the worsening situation between Baghdad and Erbil and the elimination of IS in most of Iraq’s territory.

According to Al- Arabiya, members of the White Flags are estimated at hundreds, and the group’s main bases are in mountains and highlands.

Iraqi officials have always been condemning the group’s terrorist activities and blamed the Peshmerga for not taking proper action against it.