Monday, September 30, 2024


UN agency: One in four Iraqi children in poverty due to conflicts, violence

 UN agency: One in four Iraqi children in poverty due to conflicts, violence

Iraqi children

Two Iraqi children appear in a bad condition as the anti-terror war left one in four Iraqi children in poverty, according to a UNAMI statement

Baghdad ( – A UN agency has revealed that violent acts in Iraq have left one in four children in poverty and pushed families to extreme measures to survive.

In a statement, a copy of which was obtained by Alghad Press on Sunday, the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) echoed a call by the UNICEF and UN-Habitat for urgent investment to restore basic infrastructure and services for children and families in Iraq.

“Violence may have subsided in Iraq, but it has upended the lives of millions across the country, leaving one in four children in poverty and pushing families to extreme measures to survive,” the statement read.

According to a UNICEF and UN-Habitat assessment, promoting investment in Iraq is necessary to restore basic infrastructure and services for children; otherwise the hard-won gains to end conflict in Iraq are in jeopardy.

The statement added that turmoil turned Iraq’s major cities into war zones with significant damage to civilian infrastructure, including homes, schools, hospitals and recreation spaces.

Since 2014, according to the statement, the United Nations has verified 150 attacks on education facilities and 50 attacks on health centers and personnel. Half of all schools in Iraq now require repairs and more than 3 million children have had their education interrupted.