Sunday, September 29, 2024


Ministry announces 2.6 million Iraqi displaced people return home

 Ministry announces 2.6 million Iraqi displaced people return home

A group of displaced families

A group of displaced families gather to return to their home regions in Iraq

Baghdad ( – Over 2.6 million Iraqis have returned to their homes in the areas recently liberated from the Islamic State group, a ministry spokesman was quoted as saying Wednesday.

Speaking to Baghdad Today news website, Sattar Nawroz, a spokesperson for the Migration and Displacement Ministry, said his ministry will “send a list of displaced and repatriated families to the Independent High Electoral Commission in order to be able to vote in the upcoming elections.”

Nawroz revealed that Iraqi families still in displacement will return to their home regions once basic accommodate needs are met there.

Nawroz further uncovered that his ministry has provided the “electoral commission with 1,000 caravans to help displaced people cast their ballots in the upcoming parliamentary elections, slated for May 12.”
Violence in the country has surged further with the emergence of Islamic State extremist militants who proclaimed an “Islamic Caliphate” in Iraq and Syria in 2014.

With Islamic State holding large parts of central Iraq and the subsequent conflict to retake these areas, nearly six million Iraqis have been displaced in the country.

In December, Iraqi Prime Minister Haidar al-Abadi announced full liberation of Iraqi lands, declaring end of war against IS members.