Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraqi judiciary vows bringing Islamic State members, including foreigners, to fair trials

 Iraqi judiciary vows bringing Islamic State members, including foreigners, to fair trials

Baghdad’s central criminal court.

Baghdad’s central criminal court.
Baghdad ( The Iraqi judiciary has vowed to bring Islamic State members, including the foreign ones, to fair trials.

In a statement on Sunday, the judicial authority said Medhat Mahmoud, head of the Supreme Judiciary Council and president of the Federal Court, tackled along with a delegation from the United Nations the issue of IS members held at Iraqi prisons.

“It has been clarified that Iraqi judiciary will bring them to free trials after enough evidence has been gathered. Legal guarantees will be provided,” the statement added.

Iraqi courts have sentenced tens of Islamic State members, including big number of female members, to death over joining the militant group.

The exact number of detained militants is unknown, however, it’s estimated to be in thousands. It’s also unclear how many members are likely to face death sentences.

Moreover, the Iraqi government did not provide estimates about number of the foreign detained militants or those who have Arab or Iraqi origins.

Human rights groups have always detained the collective death sentences carried out by court, claiming that some detainees are tortured and threatened, which could result in including innocent ones, along with the convicts.

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi declared victory over the militant group, previously in December, however, observers warn that the group still poses a security threat with sleeper cells.