Saturday, September 21, 2024


Kurdistan Gov’t Spokesperson: No dates for visits by delegations to Baghdad set yet

 Kurdistan Gov’t Spokesperson: No dates for visits by delegations to Baghdad set yet

KRG, UN and Iraqi delegations meeting in Erbil.

KRG, UN and Iraqi delegations meeting in Erbil.
Erbil ( The Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) has revealed information about the recent visit by Kurdish delegation to Baghdad, indicating ongoing visits between delegations of Baghdad and Erbil.

Speaking to BasNews on Wednesday, Safeen Dizayee, spokesperson for the government, indicated mutual visits between the delegations of Baghdad and Erbil, saying that the date of a visit by a high-level delegation from Erbil to Baghdad has not been set yet.

“No date for visits by political delegations from Kurdistan to Baghdad has been set yet,” Dizayee said.

Several visits between Baghdad and Erbil were paid over the past period of time, which eased the tension between the two governments.

Earlier today, Kurdish network Rudaw quoted Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani’s media adviser, Samir Hawrami, as saying that the prime minister will visit Baghdad soon to discuss some pending issues, including the region’s share in the federal budget. However, the Iraqi government denied holding talks with KRG to allow Peshmerga redeployment in disputed areas between Baghdad and Erbil.

Baghdad had declared intentions to retake areas disputed on with Erbil following the Kurdistan Region’s vote for its independence referendum on September 25, from Iraq, urging Peshmerga to cooperate with federal troops.

The disputed regions have been one of the main conflict issues between Baghdad and Erbil for 14 years. Those regions extend for around 37 square kilometers.