Friday, September 20, 2024


SDF says to head toward Islamic State, south of Hasaka, reaching to Iraqi borders

 SDF says to head toward Islamic State, south of Hasaka, reaching to Iraqi borders

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters on their way to Raqqa, Syria June 6, 2017. REUTERS/Rodi Said

Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) fighters on their way to Raqqa, Syria June 6, 2017. REUTERS/Rodi Said
Baghdad ( The Syrian Democratic Forces have announced heading toward Islamic State’s stronghold, south of Hasaka, to liberate the region from the militants.
In remarks to the Russian Sputnik news agency, Lilwa al-Abdallah, the spokesperson for the Operation al-Jazeera Storm, said the operation “is ongoing to eliminate presence of IS in eastern Euphrates and south of Hasaka. Our troops are heading toward al-Desheisha, located south of Hasaka to liberate it completely from the militants until reaching to the Iraqi borders.”
The operations to free Desheisha, according to Abdallah, are carried out “in cooperation with Iraqi troops at the joint task forces to eliminate IS from the region and prevent the militants infiltration to Iraqi and Syrian regions.”
After freeing Desheisha or Badiya region, according to Abdallah, “we will head toward Hegeen, which is considered the last and biggest strongholds of IS.”
In May, SDF, backed by Washington, announced resuming the battles to retake the last pockets of IS in east of Syria, after suspending the operations when Turkey started in January attack against Efrin, controlled by the U.S.-led Coalition in northwest of Syria.
The troops announced in September launching the Operation al-Jazeera Storm to liberate the eastern countryside of Deir az-Zour province.
The U.S. started in May sending weapons and equipments to SDF to launch military operation to liberate Raqqa, from which the group announced it caliphate more than three years ago.