Saturday, September 28, 2024


Iraqi ambassador to Syria says about to reopen joint border crossings

 Iraqi ambassador to Syria says about to reopen joint border crossings

Iraqi forces deployed at the main border post between Iraq and Syria

Iraqi forces deployed at the main border post between Iraq and Syria
Baghdad ( The Iraqi ambassador to Syria has highlighted necessity of opening border exits between the two countries, saying both managed to foil a conspiracy made against them.

“Iraq counted 120 nationalities among Islamic State members. This shows the conspiracy was huge with a target to fragment the two countries,” Saad Mohamed Reda was quoted by SANA news agency as saying. “Iraq has almost eliminated presence of Islamic State in the country.”

“The strategic cooperation agreement between Iraq and Syria, which will be signed soon, will help boosting and developing all aspects of the bilateral political, economic, trade and security ties,” the ambassador said.

Regarding the reopening of border crossings between the two countries, Reda stressed necessity to reopen the crossings to foster the trade exchange, which is being tackled by the two sides. “We are about to open those crossings, especially al-Bu kamal- Qaim one.”

Reopening the crossings, according to the ambassador, “will refresh the economic and trade relations between the two countries. Iraq is in need for many goods, fruits and vegetables that are produced in Syria. Iraqi businessmen have a real desire to access the Syrian market.”

The Iraqi-Syrian borders are under the control of joint troops of military and border guards.

In December, Abadi announced full liberation of Iraqi lands, declaring end of war against IS members.