Saturday, September 28, 2024


Syrian army retakes Saham al-Golan region, northwestern side of Daraa

 Syrian army retakes Saham al-Golan region, northwestern side of Daraa

Syrian army forces.

Syrian army forces.
Baghdad ( The Syrian army has gain full control on Saham al-Golan area in the northwestern countryside of Daraa.

Speaking to the Syrian SANA news agency, a military source said the army in the northern countryside of Daraa gained complete control on Tal al-Jumou’ and four other linked points. A huge network of landmines were detonated, while an amount of weapons were confiscated.

Army units, according to the source, gained control on villages of al-Sheikh Hussein, Kawkab, al-Shabraq, Meserta, al-Luwaihaq and Salbak in the northwestern countryside kf Daraa and the southwestern countryside of Quintara.

The operations by the army left many militants killed and huge amounts of ammunition confiscated, the source added.

On Wednesday, the army freed villages of al-Basala, Ain Qadi, al-Maqraz, Sayda al-Golan, Khan Sayda, al-Hanout, Abu Hartayn, Ain Thakar, Lubaid, Sad al-Maqraz, Bakkar Gharbi, Maadali, Abu Mandara and Razaniyat Sayda after killing the militants there and confiscating their weapons.

According to SANA, the army units achieved progress through its operations against the militants in Glen village in the northwestern countryside of Daraa, indicating that fierce confrontations occurred between the army and the militants there.

Army intensified airstrikes against the militants in al-Yarmouk basin, which inflicted huge losses in lives and equipments on the militants.