Saturday, September 21, 2024


Iraq, Kurdistan premiers reiterate need for dialogue, security cooperation

 Iraq, Kurdistan premiers reiterate need for dialogue, security cooperation

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi (right) and Kurdistan Region’s Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani meet in Baghdad

Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi (right) and Kurdistan Region’s Prime Minister Nechirvan Barzani meet in Baghdad

Baghdad ( Iraq Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi and Kurdistan Region’s premier Nechirvan Barzani reiterated on Monday the need for dialogue and security cooperation between both governments.

A statement by Abadi’s media office said the Iraqi prime minister received Barzani in Baghdad, adding that both leaders discussed the political situation in Iraq and issues of common interest. It said both reiterated the need to continue dialogue and the importance of maintaining security collaboration between the forces of both governments.

Both leaders also agreed to proceed towards the formation of the next Iraqi government.

Relations deteriorated between Baghdad and Erbil after the autonomous region voted in a popular poll in September for independence from Iraq, a step Baghdad deemed unconstitutional.

After several penal measures from Baghdad, including an embargo on international flights to Kurdistan, and a recapture of territories where sovereignty is disputed by both sides, a detente was witnessed over the past few months after Baghdad lifted the embargo and both sides headed towards a  joint management of disputed regions.Both sides have frequently emphasized on dialogue to address problematic issues.

Iraqi parliament elections, held in May, were surrounded by judicial and parliamentary challenges to its integrity, which prompted courts to decide a manual recount of votes.