Friday, September 20, 2024


Islamic State’s Baghdadi survived Iranian airstrikes, east of Euphrates

 Islamic State’s Baghdadi survived Iranian airstrikes, east of Euphrates

The leader of Isis, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, declared the formation of the group’s caliphate from a mosque in Mosul in 2014 ( AP )

The leader of Isis, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, declared the formation of the group’s caliphate from a mosque in Mosul in 2014 ( AP )
Baghdad ( A pro-government paramilitary leader has said that the Iranian shelling that was carried in east of Euphrates, few days ago, was about to leave Islamic State’s supreme leader killed.

Speaking to Baghdad Today website, Jabbar al-Maamouri, leader with al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Forces) said “the Iranian shelling against specific pockets of Islamic State, east of Euphrates in Syria, using missiles few days ago targeted an important meeting for the so-called Islamic State’s war council, to which Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was on way.”

Baghdadi, according to Maamouri, “was about to get killed in the shelling but he survived as he was late few minutes for the meeting.”

According to Maamouri, “Ali al-Mashadani, Baghdadi’s deputy, who was killed in the shelling. He was nominated to be the coming caliph.”

Several Islamic State leaders were killed by the strikes, he added.

Early on Monday, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard announced targeting terrorist groups in east of Euphrates in Syria using ballistic missiles in revenge against the recent attack on the military parade in Iranian city of Ahvaz. However, Iranian media said the missiles passed over the Iraqi city of Tikrit.

At least 24 people were killed, while over 60 others were wounded in an attack, last month, against a military parade, southwest of Iran.