Tuesday, September 24, 2024


U.S. airstrike kills Syrian family on borders with Iraq

 U.S. airstrike kills Syrian family on borders with Iraq

International coalition aircraft

International coalition aircraft

Damascus (Iraqinews.com) – A Syrian family was killed Sunday in an air strike by the U.S.-led international coalition warplanes on Albu Kamal town on the Iraqi-Syrian border.

According to the Syrian Arab News Agency (SANA), the aerial bombardment left a five-strong family dead and caused severe damage to several buildings and property.

There were two children among the casualties.

The town of Albu Kamal, on the western bank of the Euphrates, was retaken by Syrian government forces in December.

Iraq  also carries out air strikes on suspected IS militants near the border in Syria.

In April, former Iraqi prime minister Haidar al-Abadi said that airstrikes against Islamic State will continue.

Iraq had previously announced launching airstrikes against IS locations in Syria. This came after Abadi said security troops will follow IS militants in the whole region, not only in Iraq.

The Iraqi-Syrian borders are under the control of joint troops of military and border guards.

Islamic State continues to launch sporadic attacks across Iraq against troops. Security reports indicate that the militant group still poses threat against stability in the country.

Abadi announced last December full liberation of Iraqi lands, declaring the end of war against IS members.