Friday, September 20, 2024


Naqshabandiya group member arrested- ministry

BAGHDAD / A member of al-Naqshabandiya group has been arrested in Salah al-Din province, the Iraqi Ministry of Defense said. “On Friday (Jan. 29), a military force conducted a search raid in Beiji City, Salah al-Din, during which Ahmed Naji Hassan Assad al-Nassiri, a terrorist and a member of al-Naqshabandiya group, was arrested,” according to a ministry statement received by news agency. Nassiri has been responsible for facilitating the logistic and financial operations for the group members as well the Baath Party in Syria and Iraq, the statement indicated. Al-Naqshabandiya, an armed group self-proclaimed after 2003 and composed of officers and soldiers of the former Iraqi army, is loyal to Izzat Ibrahim al-Dori, the vice president of the former Iraqi regime, and active mainly in Kirkuk and its environs. SS (P)/SR 2