Friday, September 20, 2024


Security operation launched to cleanse Island in Tikrit

 Security operation launched to cleanse Island in Tikrit

Representational photo.

Security operation launched to cleanse Island in Tikrit
Representational photo.

Salahuddin (IraqiNews) Security Media Cell announced, on Sunday, that Iraqi security forces carried out an operation to cleanse an Island, located in eastern Tikrit, in Salahuddin Province, from the remnants of the Islamic State group.

The Cell pointed out in a press statement that troops of Salahuddin Operations Command, backed by al-Hashd al-Shaabi, conducted an operation to cleanse an island, in eastern Tikrit, from the remnants of the Islamic State group. It also added that the main goal of the operation is to impose stability and security in the area.

Furthermore, the statement revealed that the security operation was launched from three axes, while indicated that its results will be announced soon.

According to Wikipedia, during the Northern Iraq offensive, the Islamic State group took control of the city of Tikrit. Later, the Iraqi Army made an attempt to recapture the city, which resulted in heavy fighting.

On June 12, ISIS executed more than 1500 Iraqi Air Force cadets from Camp Speicher at Tikrit. The Iraqi government blamed the massacre on both ISIS and members of the Arab Socialist Ba’ath Party – Iraq Region. By July 2014, government forces had withdrawn from Tikrit.