Friday, September 20, 2024


162 IDPs return back to their areas in Anbar: Ministry

 162 IDPs return back to their areas in Anbar: Ministry

Representational photo.

162 IDPs return back to their areas in Anbar: Ministry
Representational photo.

Anbar (IraqiNews) Iraqi Ministry of Migration and Displaced announced, on Saturday, that 162 internally displaced persons (IDPs) returned back to their homeland in Qaim District, in Anbar Province.

In a press statement, the ministry said that through direct coordination with the Ministry of Transport, Municipality and Anbar Operations Command, 162 displaced persons were repatriated.

It also mentioned that the IDPs were in camps in Ameriya Falluja and Touristic City, and they were transferred to their original area in Qaim District, in Anbar Province.

It is noteworthy that more than 5 million persons were forced to leave their houses in the provinces of Nineveh, Kirkuk, Salahuddin, Anbar, Diyala, the outskirts of Baghdad and some parts of Babil, after the Islamic State group imposed its control on these areas in 2014.

Following the Iraqi government’s announcement in late 2017 that the IS group was defeated, many IDPs returned to their homes. Also a large number of IDPs are still unable to return to their areas as a result of the destruction that was inflicted on their homes during the war.