Friday, September 20, 2024


3 Daesh militants killed by Iraqi security in Diyala, 2 caught in Mosul

 3 Daesh militants killed by Iraqi security in Diyala, 2 caught in Mosul

Dead bodies of ISIS militants.

Dead bodies of ISIS militants.

Diyala ( Three Islamic State militants were killed on Monday as part of an Iraqi security operation in a region between the provinces of Diyala and Salahuddin, while two others were arrested in Mosul.

Iraqi Popular Mobilization Forces said through their media outlet that forces killed the militants  at Mutaibija. A fourth militant was arrested during the operation, according to PMF media.

Iraq security authorities announced earlier this month they launched an operation, backed by the international coalition against IS, to clear northern Baghdad, Diyala, Nineveh and Salahuddin provinces from remnant terrorist cells.

Meanwhile, Interior Ministry spokesperson, Saad Maan, said in a statement that two IS militants, who worked for the extremist group’s health and recruitment divisions. The pair was arrested in al-Maamoun district in the west of Mosul, the group’s formerly-proclaimed capital, according to the statement.

Iraq declared victory over Islamic State militants late 2017, and the recapture of territories under the group’s control since 2014.