Friday, September 20, 2024


Anbar Council: Opening Arar border crossing with KSA will revive Iraqi economy

 Anbar Council: Opening Arar border crossing with KSA will revive Iraqi economy

Representational photo.

Anbar Council: Opening Arar border crossing with Saudi Arabia will revive the Iraqi economy
Representational photo.

(IraqiNews) Iraq and Saudi Arabia (KSA) are rushing to reopen the joint Arar border crossing between the two countries, in order to increase the volume of trade exchange and revitalize their markets.

Anbar Provincial Council revealed, on Thursday, that the opening of Arar border crossing with Saudi Arabia will contribute to the recovery of the Iraqi economy, and the reconstruction of Anbar Province.

It also pointed out that Arar border crossing witnessed a meeting between Iraqi Border Ports Commissions and the Saudi side, in order to reopen it for commercial traffic and transport of passengers.

The meeting has not produced any results so far, while it is expected that a a final decision on the re-formalization of commercial traffic and passenger transport will be issued soon.

The opening of the crossing will contribute significantly to the recovery of the Iraqi economy, especially in Anbar Province, due to the increasing unemployment rates since 2014.

It is noteworthy that Arar crossing, which has been closed since the 1991 Gulf War, is opened annually for a short time to Iraqi pilgrims, and closes after their return.