Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi police captures 6 members of Diwan al-Jund in Nineweh

 Iraqi police captures 6 members of Diwan al-Jund in Nineweh

Representational photo.

Iraqi police captures 6 members of Diwan al-Jund in Nineweh
Representational photo.

Nineweh (IraqiNews) Iraqi Ministry of Interior Affairs announced, on Saturday, apprehending six members of the so-called Diwan al-Jund, in the city of Mosul, while pointed out that one of them is a sniper.

Ministry’s Spokesman, General Saad Maan, said in a press statement that joint forces from the emergency detachments and Ninwewh Intelligence and Counter-terrorism Directorate carried out a security offensive and managed to arrest six members of the Islamic State terrorist group.

The apprehended terrorists were members of Diwan al-Jund during the control of the Islamic state on the city of Mosul, Maan added.

He further explained that one of the terrorists was a sniper during Nineweh liberation campaigns.

Maan also revealed that the sniper was captured during searching the areas of 17 Tammuz, 30 Tammuz, Harmat and areas near the Tigris River, west of the city of Mosul.

Islamic State insurgents took control over the city of Mosul on June 2014, after defeating the Iraqi army. An estimated 500,000 civilians fled from the city, due to the conflict.

In October 2016, Iraqi Army and al-Hashd al-Shaabi launched an offensive to liberate Mosul City from the IS control. Former Iraqi Prime Minister, Haider al-Abadi announced the liberation of the city on July 2017, after nearly nine months of urban warfare.