Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq declares three-day mourning period after deadly protests

 Iraq declares three-day mourning period after deadly protests

A demonstration on Thursday in central Baghdad. Iraqis have taken to the streets this week to protest corruption and unemployment.

A demonstration on Thursday in central Baghdad. Iraqis have taken to the streets this week to protest corruption and unemployment.

Baghdad ( – Iraqi Prime Minister Adil Abdul Mahdi has declared three days of mourning as deadly protests have swept over several provinces, including the capital Baghdad, since October 1.

The mourning period will start on Thursday for those killed in the protests, whether demonstrators or security forces, the prime minister said in a televised speech on Wednesday.

Earlier on Sunday, the Iraqi Interior Ministry said that the death toll from anti-government protests in the country rose to 104, including eight security members, while at least 6,000 others were injured.

Violent anti-government protests have erupted in Baghdad and other cities since Tuesday, October 1, prompting security forces to fire live rounds and tear gas into the demonstrating crowds.

The demonstrations came in response to online campaigns to express anger about the deteriorating situation in the country, topped by the lack of services, rampant corruption and high unemployment rates.