Tuesday, September 24, 2024


ID3.52b sewage project in Karbala finalized

KARBALA / IraqiNews.com: A project to set up two sewage networks was finalized in two neighborhoods in southern Karbala at a cost of 3.52 billion Iraqi dinars, according to a local official on Thursday. “Engineers and technicians of a local company finalized a project to build two sewage networks in al-Ghadeer and al-Orouba, (3 km) south of Karbala city,” Abbas Nasser Hassani, the chairman of the Karbala Provincial Council’s Reconstruction & Strategic Planning Committee, told IraqiNews.com news agency. He pointed out that the project, which took more than one year to finish, should contribute to enhance sewage services for more than 1500 houses in the two neighbors, considered the largest in the city. Karbala lies 110 km southwest of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. AmR (P) 2