Friday, September 27, 2024


Al-Naqshabandiya group element detained southwest of Kirkuk

KIRKUK / A combined force captured on Tuesday a man wanted on charges of belonging to the armed group al-Naqshabandiya southwest of Kirkuk, according to the Kirkuk Districts’ Police Department (KDPD) chief. “A force from the KDPD and the Tarklan police station arrested a wanted man in accordance with Article 4 of the law on terrorism on the main road linking Kirkuk to al-Huweija district, (65 km) southwest of Kirkuk,” Brig. Sarhad Qader told news agency. “The detained man, born in 1982 and his name is Ibrahim Mohammed Abdullah, is a local resident of Huweija,” he added. Qader noted that Abdullah, according to intelligence tip-offs from the Kurdish security agency asayesh, is a member of the so-called al-Naqshabandiya group, adding he was referred to the Kirkuk Criminal Investigations Department for questioning. Al-Naqshabandiya, an armed group self-proclaimed after 2003 and composed of officers and soldiers of the former Iraqi army, is loyal to Izzat Ibrahim al-Dori, the vice president of the former Iraqi regime, and active mainly in Kirkuk and its environs. Dori, who was born in 1942, used to be the vice chairman of the Revolutionary Command Council during the former regime’s time. He ranks 6th on a U.S. forces’ pack of cards of 55 most wanted persons after their invasion of Baghdad in April 2003, pledging a reward of $10 million for information leading to capturing him. Dori, the King of Clubs on this pack, had been reportedly arrested more than once, perhaps the recent of which was in April 2008. The dissolved Baath Party had announced on November 11, 2005 that Dori has died, only to deny the reports shortly after. The oil-rich Kirkuk, a city of mixed Kurdish, Arab and Turkmen population, lies 250 km northeast of the Iraqi capital Baghdad. SH (S)/SR 1