Wednesday, September 25, 2024


Goldsmith kidnapped in Mosul

NINEWA / Unidentified persons kidnapped a gold trader in the area of al-Qahtaniya, northern Sinjar district, on Thursday, according to the chief of al-Biaaj council. “A person of the name Hussein Dawoud Hassan, a roaming trader of gold jewelry who frequents areas between Sinjar and Biaaj, has disappeared today (Jan. 14) in al-Qahtaniya, (35 km) north of Sinjar, which administratively belongs to Biaaj district, (130 km) northwest of Mosul,” Jassem Mohammed Hussein told news agency. “The incident of the first of its kind in a district known for its stable security conditions,” he said, ruling out the “act was a terrorist one”. Mosul, the capital city of the unrest-stricken province of Ninewa, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. AmR (P) 2