Thursday, September 26, 2024


Security plan to protect Shiite visitors in Talafar

NINEWA / A special plan has been mapped out to protect Shiite visitors during Imam Hussein’s Arbaeen in Talafar in western Mosul, a security source said on Thursday. “Iraqi Special forces mapped out a special security plan to protect scores of Shiite pilgrims who will gather in certain places in Talafar, on the occasion of Imam Hussein’s Arbaeen, scheduled tomorrow (Feb. 5),” the source told news agency. “Army forces, policemen and emergency forces will take part in the plan,” he added. The Arbaeen is a religious occasion marking the 40 th day after the death of Imam al-Hussein, the Prophet Muhammad’s grandson and the third holiest figure for Shiite Muslims, in the battle of Taf in Karbala in the Hegira year 61 (680 in the Gregorian calendar). Mosul, the capital of Ninewa, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. SH (P)/SR 3