Saturday, September 21, 2024


Lawmaker invites trade minister to appear before parl.

BAGHDAD / Legislator Hassan al-Saneed called on acting Iraqi Trade Minister Safaa al-Din al-Safi to appear before the parliament on Monday for consultations on the funds appropriated in the state budget to import the ration card items. “Several areas in Iraq are complaining that they do not get these ration items and that’s why we invite the minister to have a debate on this matter,” Saneed said during a parliament session on Sunday (Jan. 24) carried by the semi-official al-Iraqiya TV. Sabah al-Saadi, the parliament’s anti-corruption committee, earlier this month accused Safi of involvement in “administrative and financial corruption” inside his ministry. During a press conference, Saadii said the Iraqi citizens are now suffering from lack of ration card items during Safi’s time more than the resigned minister Abdulfalah al-Sudani’s time. The committee had questioned Sudani during the past months also over corruption charges, prompting the minister to tender his resignation, which had been accepted by the government. AmR (P)/SR 2