Friday, September 20, 2024


Turkish warplanes bombard northern Iraq

 Turkish warplanes bombard northern Iraq

The flag of Turkey and Turkish fighter jets. Photo: AFP

Baghdad ( – Turkish warplanes launched new air raids on Saturday on the outskirts of the Amadiya town of Dohuk governorate against militants belong the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK), according to Baghdad Today news.

Eyewitnesses mentioned that Turkish warplanes bombarded areas near the Amadiya town Saturday evening, and confirmed that the area is being bombed for more than three weeks but they do not know what the damages are so far.

The Turkish forces continue to bomb areas in Kurdistan region in northern Iraq where Turkish warplanes bombed mountainous areas in Dohuk governorate in the Kurdistan Region last Thursday.

The Turkish air raids are in response to the bombing of a Turkish base by the PKK fighters in the Shiladze area in the Iraqi governorate.

Turkey launched four military operations since 2020 against the PKK militants in the Kurdistan region of Iraq, the last of which was Operation Claw Lock which was announced last April.

The Governor of Dohuk, Ali Tatar Nerway, announced earlier that the tensions between the PKK and the Turkish army over the past 30 years have resulted in the evacuation of about 330 villages in Dohuk governorate, according to Russia Today news