Friday, September 27, 2024


2 wounded in blast targeting U.S. forces in Mosul

NINEWA /Iraqi News A civilian man and a child were wounded in a hand-grenade attack that targeted a U.S. forces patrol in western Mosul city on Sunday, a local security source in Ninewa said. “A U.S. forces patrol came under a hand-grenade attack in the area of al-Boursa, western Mosul, leaving a sanitation worker and a child near the site wounded,” the source told Iraqi News. “The municipality sanitation worker and the 10-year-old child were rushed to a nearby hospital for treatment,” he said. The source noted that an unidentified gunman hurled the grenade at the patrol and ran away. He did not give further information about the damage to the patrol. Mosul, the capital city of the unrest-hit province of Ninewa, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. AmR (P)/SR 2