Monday, September 23, 2024


IED injures civilian, ex-officer’s house detonated in Mosul

NINEWA /Iraqi News One civilian was wounded in an explosive charge blast in Mosul, a local police source said on Wednesday, adding that a house belonging to a former army officer was blown up in the city. “At noon, an improvised explosive device (IED) detonated in al-Nabi Younis area, opposite to the Criminal Evidence building in eastern Mosul, wounding one civilian,” the source told Iraqi News. Meanwhile, unknown gunmen have blown up the house of a former staff lieutenant colonel in the Iraqi army in al-Iktisadiyeen neighborhood, western Mosul. The house has been deserted for years, the source added. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. SS (P)/SR 2