Friday, September 27, 2024


Iraqi forces seek to remove concrete blocs in Talafar

NINEWA /Iraqi News Iraqi security forces will work on removing concrete blocs from Talafar’s streets due to security improvement in the suburb, a local military commander said on Tuesday. “No streets in Talafar will be closed after today,” Brigadier Abdilrahman Abu-Rgheef told Iraqi News. He said that concrete blocs in Talafar (60 km northwest of Mosul city) will be gradually removed. But the Talafar Council called on security forces to be careful after recent attacks in other Iraqi cities. “Security forces should do their best to protect the people of Talafar,” Ali Awsat Mohammed, member of the council, told Iraqi News. Mosul, the capital city of Ninewa province, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. MH (P)/SR 1