Friday, September 27, 2024


Security source plays down leaflets threatening Talafar voters

NINEWA /Iraqi News A security source in Ninewa province on Saturday downplayed leaflets circulated in Talafar, northwest of Mosul city, which threatened voters not to go to the ballot stations for Sunday’s parliamentary elections. “The security measures adopted by the Iraqi forces in Talafar district, (60 km) northwest of Mosul, are capable of protecting the voting stations and the electorate thanks to an airtight security plan laid in particular for the election day,” the source told Iraqi News. “The leaflets circulated by Al-Qaeda-inspired al-Tawheed Wal-Jihad group which warned voters against venturing out to cast their votes are of no significance for the local residents,” he added. “We have received intelligence about possible operations targeting voters and ballot stations but our measures are capable of protecting both,” the source stressed. Mosul, the capital city of the violence-stricken province of Ninewa, lies 405 km north of Baghdad. AmR (P) 1