Sunday, September 29, 2024


Al-Hashemi says talks with Egyptian PM ‘constructive’

BAGHDAD /Iraqi News Iraqi Vice President, Tareq al-Hashemi, described his talks with Egyptian Prime Minister Ahmad Nazif in Cairo as constructive, according to a statement released from his office on Wednesday. “Talks tackled the Egyptian role in helping Iraqis in realizing more stability and progress and to stop foreign interference in Iraq’s internal affairs,” the statement quoted the Iraqi official as saying. “The meeting with Nazif was an opportunity to discuss ways of boosting bilateral ties in various domains,” said the statement received by Iraqi News. He expressed comfort over signing more than 25 cooperation protocols between Iraq and Egypt in different economic and investment fields. Al-Hashemi, who arrived in Cairo on Tuesday (Feb. 23), will hold a meeting today with Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak. SH (P) 1