Friday, September 20, 2024


Nejervan Barazani highlights forthcoming Iraqi legislative elections

ARBIL /Iraqi News Former Prime Minister of the Iraqi Kurdistan Region Nejervan Barazani said on Sunday that the forthcoming parliamentary elections, scheduled to be held on March 7, are very important for Iraq and the Kurdish region. “Let us hope that the elections would usher in a new political stage in which all outstanding issues between Arbil and Baghdad would be solved in a way satisfactory to all parties,” Barazani said while attending the inauguration of the French Cultural Center in Arbil. “The Kurds have taken part in the building of a new Iraq and the political process that followed the fall of the former regime,” he added. Barazani noted that pending issues between Arbila and Baghdad, like the law on oil & gas, the peshmerga (Iraqi Kurdistan Region’s Guards) and article 140 of the constitution regarding disputed areas would be worked out to reach a solution. AmR (P)/SR 1