Friday, September 20, 2024


New oil discoveries in western Iraq

 New oil discoveries in western Iraq

A worker at the Majnoon oil field near Basra, Iraq. Photo: Reuters

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi government announced on Wednesday the discovery of several new oil wells in Nukhayb and Tharthar in Anbar governorate in the western part of the country, according to the Iraqi News Agency (INA).

“The local government in Anbar worked to create a suitable atmosphere for oil explorations, and provided the necessary security coverage for companies operating in the governorate,” Anbar Governor, Ali Farhan, told INA.

Farhan expressed his hope that the Ministry of Oil will take steps forward to complete oil explorations after the contract with the Korean company was cancelled.

Farhan also confirmed that the local government is following up the exploration process with the Ministry of Oil and the Saudi-American companies.

Anbar Governor added that the governorate contains large quantities of important quality gas, and elaborated that the investment in oil and gas fields in the governorate will improve the economic conditions as well as the provision of electricity.  

The Iraqi Minister of Oil, Ihsan Abdul-Jabbar, announced earlier this week that crude oil will be pumped to Karbala refinery to start production before 2023, and explained that Karbala refinery will contribute to the reduction of oil derivatives imports by 60 percent.

Abdul-Jabbar also clarified that Karbala refinery is an important step to meet the needs of local consumption, and added that pumping crude oil to the refinery will take place in October 2022.