Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq takes part in AL’s ministerial council’s meeting

BAGHDAD /Iraqi News Undersecretary of Iraqi Foreign Ministry Labied Abbawi led Iraq‘s delegation in the ministerial council’s meeting of the Arab League in Cairo in its 133rd session, a Foreign Ministry‘s statement said on Tuesday. “The meeting approved a draft resolution on inviting all Arab and foreign countries to present aides to ease Iraqi emigrants’ suffering in neighboring countries and supporting the Iraqi government’s efforts to help them return voluntarily to their country,” said the statement received by Iraqi News. “The resolution will be sent to the coming Arab summit in Sert, Libya, schedualed to be held by the end of March,” it added. “Abbawi addressed the gathering, during which he updated them on the latest developments in Iraq, stressing the importance of neighboring countries’ commitment in supporting the political process and the country’s unity and sovereignty,” the statement continued. SH (P)/SR 1