Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraqi President calls on political leaders for dialogue

 Iraqi President calls on political leaders for dialogue

The Iraqi President Barham Salih. Photo: AFP

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi President, Barham Salih, called on leaders of the Coordination Framework and the Sadrist movement on Tuesday for a dialogue to end the political impasse in the country, and to discuss the possibility of holding early parliamentary elections to form a new government.

Salih, in a televised speech, called on leaders in the Coordinating Framework to communicate with Muqtada al-Sadr to hold a national dialogue and come up with a decisive political solution addressing the issues of early elections, the formation of the government and the management of the coming period.

Salih added that al-Sadr’s stance to end protests and stop violence is a responsible and courageous position that should be positively used to get the country out of the current political crisis.

Salih indicated that holding new and early elections in accordance with a national understanding represents a way out of the stifling crisis in the country.

Salih also noted that there is a need for constitutional amendments that must be initiated in the coming period through constitutional and legal mechanisms.

Regarding Kurdistan, Salih mentioned that the crisis between the federal government and Kurdistan region has also become unacceptable.

Salih explained that a serious dialogue must begin between the federal government and the Kurdistan Regional Government that will put in place radical and permanent solutions, not temporary ones.