Friday, September 20, 2024


Kurdistan full of promising investment opportunities – UAE businessmen

ARBIL / Emirati businessmen said that there are promising investment opportunities in Kurdistan region, mainly in tourism, real estate, oil and agriculture sectors. A total of 41 Emirati businessmen and economic figures took part in the trade forum held in Arbil, with the participation of Prime Minister of Kurdistan Barham Saleh. “There are several opportunities in energy, hotel and tourism sectors in Kurdistan region,” Hamied bin Salem, director of the Umm al-Quween Chamber of Commerce, told news agency. UAE Minister of Foreign Trade Sheikha Lubna Al-Qassimi has underlined the UAE‘s interest in furthering relations with Iraqi Kurdistan region. “The strong brotherly ties between the United Arab Emirates and Iraq have witnessed positive activities during the past few months”, Lubna said in a speech before the Emirati – Iraqi Businessmen Forum here in Arbil in presence of Prime Minister of Kurdistan Region Barham Saleh and a large number of representatives of UAE and Kurdistani businesses and agencies. The forum provided an opportunity for the Emirati minister to express “appreciation and admiration for the pace of economic reform and the opening up of Iraq in general, and the Kurdistan region in particular, despite the adversities and challenges they are faced As the UAE exports to the Iraqi market rose in 2009 by 41% in comparison with 2008 reaching USD 4.241 billion, Iraq‘s exports to the UAE market grew by 952% reaching USD 778 million, according to Sheikha Lubna. SH (S) 1