Friday, September 20, 2024


Iraq continues as mediator between Iran, Saudi Arabia

 Iraq continues as mediator between Iran, Saudi Arabia

The Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs Fuad Hussein. Photo: AP

Baghdad ( – The Iraqi Minister of Foreign Affairs, Fuad Hussein, announced that Iraq continues to play its role as a mediator for rapprochement between Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Hussein, in a statement to Rudaw News, stressed that the two sides held five meetings at the intelligence and security levels in Baghdad so far.

Hussein also confirmed that Iraq is working on making the meetings at the level of foreign ministers.

Hussein elaborated that the outcomes of the meetings are not officially announced.

Hussein clarified that Iraq continues to convey messages between the United States and Iran regarding the nuclear agreement, and revealed that both sides reached an agreement in fact.

Hussein revealed that the relationship between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and the relationship between the United States and Iran, are indirectly affected by each other because Saudi Arabia has its own policy, as is the case with Iran, and each moves according to its interests.

Hussein confirmed a few days ago that his country is ready to host a new round of talks between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and called on the two countries to return to normal relations and reopen the two embassies.

The Iraqi minister, during a meeting with his Iranian counterpart on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly meetings in New York, said that Iraq is ready to host a new round of talks between Tehran and Riyadh in Baghdad.

Saudi Arabia and Iran held five rounds of talks in Baghdad on the normalization of severed relations and ways to resolve disagreements, amid expectations that the Iraqi capital would host the sixth round of this dialogue soon.